About Crescent Moon Recovery

Crescent Moon Recovery is passionate about meeting our participants where they are and tailoring their treatment program to meet their specific needs. Our team of experts is here to serve clients in helping them accomplish their recovery goals and creating new, healthy lifestyles free from substance use and addiction.

Mission Statement

“With a passion for reinventing lives, we treat addictions with a balanced mental, physical and spiritual approach. Through evidence-based treatments, our team is here to help our clients achieve long-term sobriety and a meaningful life well lived.”

Our Story

A message of hope from our President.

We’ve Been Where You Or Your Loved One Is Now…

The idea of Crescent Moon Recovery came from years of struggling with addiction and recovery. I started using drugs because, like magic, they took away feelings of anxiety and depression, and they helped me function in my day-to-day life. But that “magic” didn’t last very long. Soon I found I required drugs do just about anything, and the consequences of my addiction also began to accumulate. I’d destroyed nearly every relationship in my life, my anxiety and depression were worse than ever, and on several occasions I woke up in the hospital after overdoses. I knew that if I didn’t find help for my addiction, I was going to die.

Finding The Right Treatment Is Essential

I sought help at a number of treatment centers and I was able to get clean and sober for a while, but I was never able to stay that way for long. I relapsed several times, but after one overdose that resulted in a prolonged stay in the ICU and nowhere to go but back onto the streets, I finally found the help I needed for lasting recovery. I found that help in a community of people just like me. For me, a key element of long-standing recovery has been developing deep, meaningful bonds with other people who are working hard at living lives firmly rooted in recovery. Building and maintaining this sense of community remains essential to my sobriety today, and is a cornerstone for our treatment model at Crescent Moon Recovery. Our recovery center is located in Fountain Valley, California, which is a national hub for the recovery community. The Southern California climate, local beaches, and mountains make this an ideal place for our clients to engage in group activities that help them build connections with one another while enjoying the fun, beautiful, and often amazing things we can do in a life free from the shackles of addiction. We can surf, swim, hike and meditate  with friends on the same days we get the best individual and group therapies available.

Individualized & Holistic Treatment

At Crescent Moon, we understand addiction isn’t due to some moral failing, and it’s not a consequence of a few bad decisions. Addiction results from the complex interplay of psychological, physical, social, and spiritual factors, and our holistic treatment approach to recovery is designed to address each of these domains. At the core of our program are evidence-based interventions, such as CBT [Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy] and DBT [Dialectical Behavior Therapy], group and individual therapy sessions provided by licensed professionals. Addiction impacts physical health too, so our nutritionist provides individualized plans tailored for each person’s health and wellness.

The particular social needs of each client vary widely: some need to return to school to further their education, others need vocational training, and still, others need assistance finding work. Regardless of our clients’ paths, education and vocation are fundamental to identity and so often impacted by addiction; we prioritize helping get them back on the right track. In addition to our focus on building community among our clients and staff, we realize building roots into the larger community is also vital to long-term recovery that continues after a client graduates from our program. To help facilitate this, clients are encouraged to participate in peer-based recovery programs, such as AA [Alcoholic Anonymous], NA [Narcotic Anonymous], SMART Recovery, and Refuge Recovery. Transportation is provided to these groups every night so they can continue on with whichever group resonates best with them after completing the Crescent Moon program.

At Crescent Moon Recovery, participants have the opportunity to access a variety of resources from evidence-based therapies, pursuing education and vocation, meeting with a nutritionist to set health and wellness goals, and building new habits by staying active. We are committed to encouraging participants to go to any lengths to living a sober life and are relentless about the importance of having a strong foundation rooted in a community that supports sobriety. Many of our staff at Crescent Moon Recovery know the personal struggle with addiction and mental health. They are available for individual and group therapy as well as have an open-door policy for support.

Crescent Moon Recovery is nestled near the beautiful beaches of Southern California, where participants can experience the benefits of being outside, connecting with a strong group of peers who they can relate to, and building healthy habits to an active lifestyle. Participants can begin to focus on their recovery safely without distraction in a healthy environment facilitated by trained professionals. They are held accountable for their commitments and goals with compassion and empathy.

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